At the beginning of the 1960s, a German turns up on behalf of the NATO in the British village of Rocksmouth. NATO wants to establish a naval base in Rocksmouth, but first, the German envoy has to salvage an old ship wreck. In 1942, the "Princess of India" was supposed to bring children to safety in Canada but was sunk by a German submarine at departure. 58 people were killed, most of them children. Diver Bill Smith is one of the survivors of the catastrophe. Although he just got engaged to Bessy who wants to leave this dark chapter behind her Bill starts to investigate. He finds out that the German envoy is Eberhard Wedel, the captain of the submarine that torpedoed the "Princess of India". Soon after, Wedel is found dead in the lake. Now, a trial is set up to find out if Bill is the responsible for Wedel’s death.